
The Story So Far...

We Are Horror Records is a British Independent record label primarily focused on Horror influenced music, focusing on Horror punk, and Deathrock bands. Founded in the United Kingdom in early 2022, it is based in Wolverhampton, and around the Black Country. The label was born from a long-running Horror punk Radio show called "Horrorpunk's Not Dead!".

"I started We Are Horror Records so I could release the compilations under one umbrella. So all of the Horrorpunk’s Not Dead! compilations would be released through this label. I already had a lot of interest from bands within the scene so I eventually branched out into being a Bonafide label! The compilation, Vol. 1, was the first release through We Are Horror, and I quickly put together Vol. 2 because the dead don’t rest! The plan was always to showcase the best modern horror punk, deathrock, and psychobilly bands in the world! 
To quote 5¢ Freakshow.. “We may be freaks, but we are not alone… The Horror is Here!"

The label released its first compilation Horrorpunk's Not Dead! Vol. 1 in 2022. Since then the label has released multiple singles, Ep's, and albums. For a more in-depth look at the label discography, visit the discography page. 

For a more in-depth backstory, check out this interview with PopHorror